James Creel, MD

Dr. Creel was the founding Program Director of this EMS Fellowship. Not only that, he was one of the founders of Emergency Medicine in the Chattanooga area as well as the founder of the Emergency Medicine residency at UT - Chattanooga. His impact on EM in the Chattanooga region is immense.

Specific to EMS, Dr. Creel was one of the earliest physicians to dedicate a significant portion of his time to EMS medical direction. He was the medical director for Hamilton County EMS for decades, and he was a fierce advocate for and friend of EMS providers in general. He was always pushing to improve the practice of pre-hospital medicine, always willing to help teach his crews, and always ready to help when anyone within his EMS family were in need. His example serves as a goal to those in this program of how to be a great EMS physician.