Other EMS Niches

EMS Medicine encompasses many out-of-hospital activities, often taking the form of specialty teams. We have opportunities for experience in many such teams, which are highlighted below. The fellow is provided a minimum exposure to all of them, though he/she may choose to become heavily involved if desired based on personal interest.

Event Medicine

Chattanooga plays host to multiple different events throughout the year, most of which are unbounded, outdoor events given the draw of Chattanooga for outdoor enthusiasts. Mostly notably, the IronMan organization hosts both a half race and a full race annually in Chattanooga, and the fellow participates in medical coverage at those races. Other similar events are available, as well as some music festivals. Additionally, exposure to sporting events at the University of Tennessee - Chattanooga can be arranged.

Wilderness Search and Rescue & Water Rescue

Hamilton County Special Tactics and Rescue Service (STARS) is a local, volunteer-based agency that specializes in Wilderness Search and Rescue as well as water rescue, including both swift water rescue and a dive team.

Tactical Medicine

We can provide opportunities with the Hamilton County Sherriff’s office SWAT team. Dr Buchheit has completed deputy reserve school and has previously been a member of the SWAT team, allowing detailed exposure to interested fellows.

Medicine on the Fireground

We have a good relationship with our local fire departments, who provide the fellow’s experience with vehicle extrication and trench rescue. They also operate the local Urban Search and Rescue service. Naturally, more in depth exposure to the fire service can be arranged.