Kacie Sweat, MD

Following fellowship:
Kacie decided to stay in the Chattanooga area and was able to find a position with the CHI Memorial Hospital System. She works in their EDs and provides medical direction for Memorial EMS, a hospital-based service in the Chattanooga area.

Patrick Popieluszko, MD

Following fellowship:
Pat returned to Texas, where he did his residency, and joined the faculty in El Paso hoping to help build a new EMS fellowship program.

Shoshana Rosenthal, MD

Following fellowship:
Shoshana decided to stay in the Chattanooga area, and we were lucky enough to have a faculty position open up within our EMS Core Faculty! You can see more about her on our faculty page.

(Cameo by one of our pilots, Josh)

Zack Brady, MD

Following fellowship:
Zack decided to join the US Air Force, where he worked in a military hospital ED when stateside. When deployed, he worked on Critical Care Air Transport Teams (CCATT) missions to get wounded soldiers out of theater and return them to countries with higher medical capabilities.

Frank Tift, MD

Following fellowship:
Frank decided to stay in the Chattanooga area, joined the EMS faculty, and eventually became the Program Director. See more about him on our faculty page.